Consultant Company for Research & Technical Solutions

Delivering exceptional international development services in Iraq and beyond with rapid mobilization, unparalleled quality, and cutting-edge, highly scalable, inclusive digital solutions for outstanding results and sustainable impact.


The Consultant Company for Research & Technical Solutions (CCRTS) is a leading Iraqi-owned international development firm, established in 2020. With our headquarters in the Hamdaniya district of the Nineveh Plain, we also operate dynamic pop-up offices in Erbil, Mosul, and Dohuk. Our strategic registrations and skilled team allow us to swiftly mobilize and work across all Governorates in Iraq.

At CCRTS, we excel in a wide range of development areas including private sector development, access to finance, business capacity and financial literacy training, sustainable livelihoods, monitoring and evaluation, civil society organization (CSO) development, capacity building, research and data analysis, climate change mitigation and adaptation, quality management, digital marketing, and web development services.

Our team of seasoned consultants brings decades of experience, having successfully executed projects for esteemed organizations such as USAID, UNDP, UNICEF, and the World Bank. Our private sector development experts have facilitated over $300 million in financing for MSMEs and have significantly enhanced the performance and competitiveness of hundreds of SMEs and organizations across the Middle East. Discover how CCRTS can drive your success and contribute to sustainable development in Iraq and beyond.

Our projects include:

•  USAID: Business Competitiveness and Job Creation Initiative (BCJCI)
•  World Vision International: Business Development Training Program
•  Save the Children: Labor Market Assessment
•  UNICEF: Media Monitoring and Rumor Tracking
•  Cordaid: Mental Health and Psychosocial Support (MHPSS) Project Evaluation
•  Farmamundi: Comprehensive Health Services Evaluation
•  REACH-Iraq: Business Administration and Management Training
•  Heartland Alliance International: Women Empowerment and Leadership Project Evaluation
•  Norwegian Refugee Council: Training Needs Assessment and Business Management Training
•  Danish Refugee Council: Market System Development Training
•  Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre: Research and Qualitative Data Collection




Monitoring and Evaluation

Our Monitoring and Evaluation services include comprehensive third-party monitoring (TPM), the creation and implementation of M&E plans and frameworks, selection of performance indicators, developing Performance Indicator Reference Sheets (PIRS), designing and developing results frameworks, developing reporting mechanisms. We also conduct thorough impact evaluations to assess the effectiveness and efficiency of projects.

Research and Data Analysis

Our Research and Data Analysis services leverage digital data collection tools such as Kobo, Memento, and Google Forms to conduct household surveys, key informant interviews, and focus group discussions. We offer comprehensive data analysis to provide actionable insights, ensuring accurate and detailed reports that support informed decision-making and strategic planning.

Civil Society Organization (CSO) Development

We enhance civil society organizations through conflict analysis, critical thinking, HR best practices, and high-quality communications. Our services include network development for advocacy and NGO coordination, strong budget preparation, fraud prevention, improved organizational structures, inclusion basics, and effective government collaboration to maximize impact..

Lean Business Planning

Training and technical assistance to help MSMEs apply the Lean business planning methodology which is closely linked with the Lean Start-up movement and replaces the traditional bulky, unnecessarily complex business plan with a much shorter, easier-to-create, and reader-friendly version. It's about simplicity and efficiency. Today there are many variations of lean business planning. Our solution combines a one-page business canvas with monthly cash flow projections -- an essential component of any credible business plan.

Lean Start Up

Training and technical assistance to help entreprenuers design and offer products and services that customers really want and willing to pay for. Instead of spending months planning and writing a long business plan, the Lean Startup approach relies on experimentation by launching Minimum Viable Products (MVP) to find out what customers really want, quickly and with minimum investment.

Access to Finance

Training and and technical assistance to help MSMEs access financing for startup and growth. Estimating financing needs using cash flow projections. identifying viable sources of financing based on type of financing needed including the increasingly popular approach of self financing, i.e. bootstrapping a business.

Training and and technical assistance for providers of financing including microfinance institutions, commercial banks, and loan guarantee facilities and other blended finance mechanisms. Technical assistance and training includes SME credit best practices.

Financial Literacy and Cash Flow

Training and and technical assistance to help MSMEs gain financial literacy. The average cash buffer of an MSME is only 27 days and more than 80 percent of small business failures are caused by cash flow mismanagement. Financial literacy and skillful cash flow management including techniques for anticipating and avoiding cash flow shortages are critical to the survival of MSMEs. Monthly cash flow projections are an essential tool for predicting and managing monthly cash flow fluctuations typical of MSMEs.

Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation

Training and and technical assistance on applying the Climate Canvas methodology for climate chnage mitigation and adaptation. Climate Canvas is a one-page actionable climate change mitigation and adaptation plan. The methodolgy starts with identifying relevant climate threats followed by assessing the business risks and then determining measures needed to protect assets and income streams. Beneficiaries will also learn how investing in reducing their carbon footprint can generate financial returns by lowering energy costs, improving efficiencies, enhancing their reputation, and launching new climate-friendly products and services.

Quality Management

Training and technical assistance for MSMEs and CSOs on techniques for identifying opportunities for improving the quality of products and services based on ISO standards and Lean Six Sigma. Expert assistance with ISO 9001:2015 certification, including the preparation of documentation, quality manuals, and forms, as well as facilitating internal audits and securing certification bodies. Application of approaches including the five S's and the Plan-Do-Check-Act methodology leading to reducing and eliminating process wastes, increasing efficiency, and enhancing quality.

Digital Marketing

Training and technical assistance for MSMEs and CSOs on effective digital marketing -- essential for increasing brand awareness, serving constituents, attracting customers, and boosting sales. Emphasis on acquiring the skills needed to launching a content marketing strategy including building a website, developing Facebook and LinkedIn business pages, writing and publishing posts, launching targeted advertising campaigns, and measuring results.

Internet Based Businesses

Training and technical assistance for entreprenuers launching internet based businesses. Benefociaries will learn about the most common internet business models and the steps needed to launch an internet based business including selecting a platform, building a website, setting up a merchant account, implemeting product or service delivery, and developing a digital marketing strategy.

Micro SAAS Development

Training and technical assistance for entreprenuers launching small scale Software-as-a-Service applications that can be started by a small team (Micro-SAAS). Emphasis will be on the steps needed to validate, build, and launch a micro-SAAS business as well as tech-stack selection, the Model-View-Controler framework, levergaing AI, and other aspects of micro-SAAS development.

Digital Advantage

Leveraging digital solutions to achieve scale, engagement, inclusion, outreach, measurable results, and impact.


Business Canvas App

A mobile friendly web app that enables entrepreneurs to develop their Business Canvas on the cloud and work on it anywhere as long as they have a mobile smart phone and an internet connection.The app is extremely simple to use and empowers entrepreneurs to create, visualize and optimize their business models for startup or expansion without wasting capital or overcomplicating their efforts.

Cash Flow Projections App

This cutting edge cash flow management web app enables users to enter their assumptions regarding operating, investing, and financing cash flows associated with their business startup or expansion and automatically calculates the net and cumulative cash flows while exposing future points of potential cash flow deficits. As time passes, actual amounts are entered and the projection period is automatically adjusted. No spreadsheets, formulas, and files to bother with.

Climate Canvas App

This web app enables users to compose and maintain their Climate Canvas on the cloud. Climate Canvas is a tool that businesses can use to efficiently develop a climate change mitigation and adaptation plan. Climate Canvas inspired by the simplicity of the Business Model Canvas, a tool that has revolutionized business modeling and planning. Like the Business Model Canvas, the Climate Canvas is a one-page template with nine building blocks.


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